
Greetings friends today I wanted to introduce you to a natural supplement that can aid both natural and enhanced lifters.  It really has yet to gain any meaningful traction in the community so today in this article I hope to discuss my experiences with it, the benefits, the side effects, who does it benefit, and how it should be used.  So without further ado let's get into it. 

Benefits, Side Effects, and Mechanism of Action

Arachidonic Acid is an unsaturated essential Omega 6 fatty acid.  Meaning many of its benefits are opposite that of our friends the Omega 3s.  Where Omega 3s help with things like inflammation, Omega 6s increase it.  Now before you click off and ask why you would use something that would raise inflammation do not worry it is not as clear cut as that. 

 Essentially Arachidonic Acid works via increasing inflammation in the muscle and causing more muscle damage..  This is going to be highly over simplified but essentially when we train we break down the muscle, our body senses this and then repairs it back but slightly stronger to adjust to the new stress the body is being submitted to.  This process is how we grow.  Where a lot of PEDs aid in building back the damaged muscle, arachidonic acid works via increasing the damage done to the muscle.  In short inflammation is what causes the muscles to grow and arachidonic acid increases that inflammation. 


So what are the true benefits of taking this supplement? Well, for starters, the fact that we have a product that can potentially increase your bodies drive to increase muscle protein synthesis, increases muscle breakdown and brings along massive pumps which helps deliver key nutrients to the muscle, it's about as close to a Sarm or Steroid that you can get without effecting your key hormones and blood markers. Its beneficial for guys and girls which makes it a great supplement for couples to share and use on heavy training days or for daily workouts!.

As Far as Side effects go, they are mainly based around the pro inflammation effect. There are no major hormone or blood marker changes to expect but truly, properly optimizing your recovery will be the main way to manage any side effects which will be overly sore muscles, achy joints and hunger. Be sure to drink plenty of water and use enough carbs and protein to properly recover after each workout. 

Who Should Use it and How Should it Be Used

So who could benefit from a supplement like this?  I think both naturals and enhanced athletes can, which makes it very unique.  On one hand naturals of course can use it for better pumps and to cause super physiological amounts of muscle damage to create a more anabolic environment.  Natural lifters should be careful though not to run themselves into the ground with it as it is very possible from getting too sore too often to train effectively.  It has happened to me before.  A good way around this is to add in another natural anabolic like turkesterone or laxogenin to help aid in recovery.  Of course enhanced lifters can forsure benefit from this as a new pathway to utilize.  Especially since they have such a higher threshold for recovery.  In a sense you could cause unnatural levels of damage while making sure to accommodate for that damage with unnatural levels of recovery.  

There are a few ways to deploy this supplement.  One way is to use it for one whole week every 5-6 weeks right before I deload.  This is what I tend to do usually at this point in my training. I have hit a sort of plateau so this helps create as much damage as possible, before then taking a week to rest and focus on recovery.  The other way is that I do a 3 day pyramid split.  So on day 1, I use arachidonic acid, the second day (lagging body part day) I use a preworkout androgen, then the day after I use it again for as much damage as possible.  There is no right or wrong way to use it, some do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.  The reason I use it for short times is I do not like to be in a constant state of high inflammation, but by using it more regularly I can reap the benefits while not having to deal with all the inflammation. 


The way I use arachidonic acid is mainly when I am in a fully natural state and need something to add an edge or help me break a physique plateau. I normally start with a lower dose, around 500 mg for the first couple sessions to test my body's sensitivity to it and I taper the dose up until I reach a point where I notice the lingering soreness. Normally a month is enough to get noticeable gains or to at least push through the flat line and it doesn't normally need to be run for much longer than a month. It's great to cycle on and off as taking breaks and coming back on give you bigger yields than staying on it for long periods of time. 


My Experience With It

Now I have used this supplement a lot so I know it pretty well.  What I will say is right off the bat is that it gives some insane pumps in the gym.  The more days in a row you take it too the stronger and more effective it gets.  The other thing I noticed when I used it is that it causes some insane soreness.  Your body WILL hurt after using this supplement.  I tend to use it for one week every 5-6 weeks or so.  Or I would use it for 3 days at a time every few weeks.  I never just used it for one day because there is definitely a build up effect with it.  The dose I stuck with was about 1400mg.  Anything past that was simply too much and too painful.  It is kind of hard to gauge how much muscle I built with this, but I have no doubt based on the soreness that it helped in some capacity.  For myself if I was fully natural I likely would not run this again just because it brought me a little too close to being so sore and beat up I could not train again.  Using it when enhanced was much better for obvious reasons.  It also made everything feel inflamed and gave me some bad brain fog.  I still do think this is an effective tool for breaking past plateaus, but it just needs to be used in small amounts for short periods of time.  Long story short I think it is an effective tool, but something I would only use when I have to.

 The Two Best Arachidonic Acid Supplements !

Today I wanted to provide you guys with two excellent supplements that contain arachidonic acid, and a few other amazing ingredients that are helpful for guys on trt or who are completely natural! 

First we have the raze mass caps.  The mass caps contain 1000mg of arachidonic acid which is perfect, not too much not too little.  They also have 300mg of turkesterone which works through the estrogen B receptor pathway.  Turkesterone has been effective for better recovery in the gym, and an increase in lean muscle mass. Next it has Ecdysterone which is very similar to turkesterone and provides much of the same benefits.  The addition of laxogenin is also very interesting.  Laxogenin has adaptogenic qualities, can increase protein synthesis, and reduce protein breakdown.  This is an amazing blend that will not only force more muscle breakdown and damage but will help increase recovery and anabolism. 

Secondly we have Raze LX3.  This product comes with Arachidonic Acid as well at 1000mg.  It also features the ingredient Epicatechin.  Epicatechin has been thought to decrease myostatin levels,  Myostatin being the body's main regulator to stop it from building too much muscle.  Smilax is also another plant sterol that can reportedly increase testosterone levels.   It also is the plant where laxogenin is derived from.  This is another interesting blend that is highly effective for natural lifters who are looking for the edge while still staying natural.  

If these are interesting to you I have linked both down below for you!

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