COMPARING SARMS -OSTARINE VS LGD4033 - Krazy Muscle Nutrition



Greetings Biohackers today I wanted to get into another article, where I breakdown Ostarine vs LGD4033, which was best for me, which is best for you, and fully compare these two SARMs.  If you are not aware of what SARMs are or how to build a cycle please look back to this article (here).  If you are looking for sourcing quality SARMs make sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for full sourcing.  I do recommend you read first of course, but if you just want to know where to get them scroll to the bottom.  

What Do LGD4033 and Ostarine Each Do?

Ostarine and LGD are two of the most well studied SARMs and two that are extremely close to being approved for humans.  Ostarine has done very well in its data so far and its shortcomings have not come from safety issues, but from efficacy issues in the human studies.  On the other hand LGD4033 is still well on its way to being the first SARM approved for human usage.  So when it comes to data I would say they are about the same.  LGD4033 is a powerful “wet” sarm that can be amazing for tissue gain and strength.  When I say it is wet I mean you are more likely to hold more water on it which is good for some, but not so good for others.  Due to the wetness of LGD4033 it is commonly used during bulking periods by athletes.  On the other hand we have Ostarine or Mk2866.  Ostarine is more of a “dry” sarm meaning it does not come with the same water retention as does LGD.  Ostarine tends to shine in preserving hard earned muscle during cutting phases and calorie deficits.  Ostarine also can be really good for joint health, and provides the user with some really good nootropic benefits.  Ostarine for some makes them feel really good and happy mentally similar to how DBOL has that euphoric type effect to it. I would say Ostarine tends to be one of the best SARMs for people brand new to the world of SARMs whereas LGD is great for someone's second sarm cycle.  

Which Is Stronger and Which has More Sides

First let's look at what they do.  The two main questions everyone is going to ask are, “Which is stronger”, and “Which has more side effects”.  My short answer to both of those is LGD4033.  LGD4033 is going to help you build more muscle mass, get you stronger, and give better pumps.  With that though it tends to bring on more suppression, lipid skewing, and a lot of water retention (which can be a detriment or a bonus for whoever is running it.)   On the other hand Ostarine brings less strength gains, less tissue accrual, but it does come with less side effects in general.  It is very important to note that in the SARMs space I have seen weird situations where users have worse bloods after using Ostarine than LGD.  So please understand everything I am saying is from a standpoint of in general we tend to see this!  Whenever discussing research chemicals this is a highly important distinction to make! 

My Experience with Both

Before I go further about my personal experience I do want to clarify that I used Ostarine for 8 weeks at 20 mg and LGD4033 for about 5 weeks at 10mg with a test base under both.  These are both extremely common doses for both.  So while LGD is stronger than ostarine for strength and tissue accrual I actually prefer Ostaine.  Ostarine brings some amazing mental effects for a lot of people including myself. I felt really good on Ostarine.  While it did not blow me up and bloat me like LGD, it gave me a nice hard look, my joints felt awesome, it in no way felt toxic, and my mood was amazing.   I also was able to keep and gain strength while cutting while using ostarine.  My experience with LGD was not great to be honest.  I am very happy I did not get the LGD flu which is a very weird side effect that occurs with LGD where a week or two into use the user develops flu like symptoms from LGD.  LGD made me feel extremely bloated and overly full.  Personally I did not like the look it gave me, and the strength gains I got from ostarine were not that far off from LGD.  LGD also gave me no good mental boost that ostarine gave to me.  Unfortunately when I ran these two I was immature and did not get bloodwork done so I can not compare that for you guys.  I will say when I used Ostarine I felt virtually 0 suppression, I did not even PCT after (not recommended).  Whereas after LGD I did a typical Enclomiphene PCT protocol.  I am slightly biased though because ostarine just works amazing for me.  It was one of my favorite all around androgens for its ability to make me feel amazing.  

How to Choose Which Is Best For You

Next I will get into how to choose which.  Before you decide to go with one of these please be aware that SARMS have yet to be approved for human usage.   There are two main components we must remember when choosing what's best for you.  The first being are you cutting or bulking.  If you are someone who is cutting I would lean into Ostarine as it tends to be dryer, the mood boost it gives is also good for people who are on a cut.  If you are someone who is bulking LGD4033 is the better option I think as it tends to be better at aiding in tissue growth and strength.  There are exceptions if you cut and find for whatever reason when you cut you go ultra flat then you could use LGD4033 to help fill in your physique.  If you are someone who is bulking and always has issues with their joints when going heavy then you could potentially add in Ostarine for joint support.  The experience level also matters.  Ostarine tends to be friendlier and easier for beginners whereas LGD4033 I would say is good for a 2nd or 3rd sarm cycle.    While I never recommend stacking sarms theoretically you could add a very small amount of ostarine to an LGD4033 cycle to aid with joints if you tend to run into joint issues.


To conclude LGD4033 and Ostarine (in the comparison to other SARMs) are two of the most studied and safest SARMs.  They also tend to have less side effects than things like RAD or S23.  Outside of that LGD4033 is definitely the stronger SARM in terms of strength and tissue accrual.  It also comes with more side effects than Ostarine including the infamous LGD Flu.  Ostarine is slightly weaker but it still has so many other great benefits like the boost to mood and joints along with being easier on blood work. This is why I tend to lean into ostarine.  I also like the harder look ostarine gives as well.  If you are someone who tends to be more flat and struggles with fullness then by all means I think you should go with LGD.  At the end of it everyone is different, but I do hope this article at least brings you closer to making a decision between the two.  


CODE: RETRO (For all sources)

Pure Rawz Oral Liquid Ostarine

Pure Rawz Transdermal Ostarine

Pure Rawz Injectable Ostarine

Pure Rawz Oral Ostarine Capsules

Pure Rawz Oral Ostarine Tablets

Pure Rawz Oral Liquid LGD-4033

Pure Rawz Oral Capsules LGD-4033

Pure Rawz Injectable LGD-4033

Pure Rawz Oral Tablets LGD-4033

Swiss Chems Oral Capsule Ostarine 

Champion Labs Oral Liquid LGD-4033

Champion Labs Oral Liquid Ostarine

References (Please remember while we have data on SARMs a lot of this comes from anecdotal data.  Bodybuilding Application is not the same as Medicinal Application!),2007a%3B%20Dalton%2C%202007b%5D.

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