Let's talk about the elephant "trunk" that isn't always in the room
OK I know I'm a woman and some people think I can't understand this issue from a man's perspective, but I'm gonna go Mama Bear on ya'll and talk about it. Because I think this issue affects both men and women. After all, us women want our men healthy and thriving and if they aren't then it affects our sex life too. And, to be fair I know that women are experiencing more issues than ever and we are going to talk about that too! But first, it's all about you men!
I have a large group of women friends and we range in age from 25-70. The other day a group of about 12 of us got together for some fun in nature. In case you didn't know it, female conversation can get pretty graphic and we love to talk about sex. Let me side note here and assure you that I am NOT into male bashing, nor am I a feminist. I am a friend to many men and a mama bear not only to Zac, but to almost any young man that is part of our chosen family.
This isn't scientifically based, but I have noticed in the last five years that women are talking more and more about meeting men, or being with men ( whether it is a long term or short term relationship) that are having a hard time bringing their "trunk" into the bedroom.
Oh, some of this could be age, after all, I am in my 50s and as we're getting older, we're finding that more and more men experience issues. But even the younger gals among us are talking about this. And, maybe that is just because people are more open about sex than when I was young. But the more I focused on this topic, doing research and asking questions- the more I found that this is an issue that is increasing. And, it is increasing in younger ages and at a rapid rate.
I think this topic is important and so it is going to be a series and not just one blog post. Zac would tell you that I have always been pretty open when it comes to sexual topics. (Insert his eye roll here). I personally feel that sex is one of the greatest blessings humans were given and a good sex life is really important for all of us. After all, it is the most important and intimate way we can connect with another person.
So, I want to share some of the interesting facts I have learned, and I want to explore what we can do about it. Before we start, I also want to reassure you men that I am not in any way shaming you. Quite the opposite- as I hope you will find some great resources and tools to build your confidence, address your concerns and have your trunk standing at attention in the manner for which it was divinely designed!
Let's define ED (Erectile Dysfunction) and talk about the increasing prevalence of it in the U.S. According to the Institute of National Health Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition in which you are unable to get or keep an erection firm enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse.
Here are some facts that I found:
- The worldwide prevalence of erectile dysfunction is expected to increase to 322 million men by 2025. (International Journal of Impotence Research, 2000). With over 3 billion men over the age of 15 in our world that means over 10% of them will have some form of ED.
- There are over 130 million adult males in the U.S. and ED affects about 30 million men in the United States- which is about 23% of men. (Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 2012). Alarmingly, a more recent study published in Healthline in 2020 found that around 52 percent of men experience some form of ED,
- The most common causes of ED are high blood pressure and emotional stress. Vascular disease, obesity and diabetes are quickly rising in causation
- ED affects about 10% of men per decade of life. For example, 50% of men in their 50s are affected by ED. (University of Wisconsin Health, 2019)
- Younger men (under 40) experience more severe ED. In 2021, ED was found to be prevalent in 52.2% of men globally. In the last twenty to thirty years, ED rates have skyrocketed, especially among younger men.
- ED is less common but increasing in young men. It was previously believed that only 5% to 10% of men younger than 40 experienced ED. But a more recent study showed that ED was prevalent in 26% of men younger than 40. (Boston University School of Medicine, 2002) (The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2013). I couldn't find more recent good data on this, so make a note that these studies are over 10 years old.
- Accordig to Grand Review Research the pharmaceutical drug market for EDdrugs was $2.46 billion in 2022. This market is expected to grow 7.9%.
While we don't have enough studies on this topic- we want to make sure that everyone is having fun in the bedroom- or wherever else you want to throw that trunk around! Here are some things to be aware of if you are experiencing ED. You are not alone- as noted above, many men are experiencing this issue. You do not have to suffer in silence either. We will be offering you much support in this blog series and there is a lot you can do to address this issue. So, I give you permission (and hopefully the motivation) to Man Up and take control of your body and your trunk and get back to being the amazing male specimen that you are designed to be. If you are like us and you do not want to contribute to the pharmaceutical billionaires who just keep making money off the cycle of your diseases then you will probably have to do some hard (pun intended) work. I promise you your body, your brain and your heart will thank you, and your trunk will be happy indeed! And, in solidarity with women everywhere- we will thank you as well.
*I want to take a moment to address alternative lifestyles. I am choosing not to delve into the topic and want to make sure that you know that if this is your lifestyle choice I hope you can take the benefits you gain from this series and apply them to your own life. I am speaking from the heart and mean it when I say I want EVERYBODY to have a fullfiling and great sex life and that includes you.