GoGut Microbe Biotic- Prebiotic Dietary Supplement

Sale price$25.00

GoGut Microbebiotic™ is a chemical-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, flavorless fiber supplement that mixes easily into any beverage or food of your choice!

  • Did you know The American Heart Association recommends a daily intake of 25-30 dietary grams of fiber?

  • The average adult dietary fiber intake is only 15 grams a day in the United States.

  • Your body can easily consume 30 grams of GoGut Microbebiotic™ fiber each day.

A healthy gut can help build a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and better digestion. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy gut and enhance your overall health!

Sizes: .5 Lbs (250 g) 25 Servings